
Malang is the second biggest city in East Java after Surabaya. Malang also known as tourist destination city, education, and industrial city. Malang has several strategic advantages, geographically beautiful, surrounding by mountains and several rivers passed through. The temperature is moderated by the altitude, 22-24 degree Celcius in average, as the city is located at 476 m above sea level.

There are four big public universities in Malang, State University of Malang (Universitas Negeri Malang), Brawijaya University (Universitas Brawijaya), State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang) , and State Polytechnic of Malang (Politeknik Negeri Malang). There are also many private universities in Malang, and one of best is STIE Malangkuçeçwara Malang or Malangkuçeçwara School of Economics.

STIE Malangkuçeçwara Malang has a vision to become a business college with global orientation and focused on conducive academic environment through good governance.  And our missions are conducting learning process and community services with global oriented and also based on technology advancement. In order to achieve it, STIE Malangkuçeçwara Malang formed the Malangkuçeçwara International Relationship (MIR) Center on November 2015 with Dwi Nita Ariani, Ph.D acted as leader. MIR handle activities related with student, staff and lecturer exchange with foreign universities; broadening collaborative for training, research; summer program; guest lecturer from foreign universities.

MIR Vision

Becoming effective practice MIR through internationalization programs that support STIE Malangkuçeçwara’s vision

MIR Mission

  • Conducting global-oriented learning aid
  • Conducting globally oriented research aid
  • Conducting globally oriented community service aid
  • Initiating and developing international network with foreign universities or institutions in the academic field.
  • Initiating and developing network with multinational companies.


  • Improving students’ ability in foreign language actively.
  • Increasing international research collaboration
  • Mediating international activities for community services
  • Improving international atmosphere on campus
  • Increasing collaboration with the companies that have international involvement


  • Industrial visit to foreign country
  • Increasing the number of students, staff and foreign lecturers study in STIE Malangkucecwara annually.
  • Increasing the number of joint research and periodically international research.
  • Increasing the number and types of collaboration with domestic and foreign institutions.